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Whether you travel by Plane, Train or Automobile or simply stroll through your town you're exposed to an astounding number of germs, viruses and other Iccky stuff. Many articles have been written about these woes. Please visit our Germ News Central page, which is sure to become your one-stop-landing page for the latest News about Germs and how to deal with them everyday.

ICCKSTER Travel Packs were developed by a true Germaphobe, Me!

After many years of traveling for business I noticed that 8 times out of 10 within a few days of returning home I came down with some sort of illness. I did a lot of research on this and found that it usually takes from 2-3 days and sometimes sooner than that, for a person to begin experiencing the symptoms associated with an infection - cold, sore throat, nasal drip, hoarsness and more.

Tracing my activities backwards I realized that I was probably infected on my last flight or hotel stay. My next step was to find out more about what I could do about this problem. Then, on one flight I saw a woman wiping down everything in sight around her seat. As passengers filed pass I could hear their laughter. But it was at that instant that I began to understand what I needed to do.

On my very next flight I armed myself with Wipes and Hand Cleaning drops, and I too began wiping down all the surfaces that I could possibly touch that possibly harbored germs. When I returned home from that trip, lo and behold I did not get sick! I researched and began gathering an arsenal of items to address Iccky, Sticcky and Yuccky stuff. I've reviewed many existing products and have also developed some new ones.

My "ICCKSTER Travel Packs" contain over 10 of my carefully curated and quality items that I'm sure will help you stay healthy too! Our New "Destination Pack" provides two travelers with all they need to stay healthy while traveling or on vacation... and can be sent directly to their Travel Destination.

I would love to hear from you… Let me know what you think; tell me "Your Iccky Story" and what you did to handle your situation; tell me what other products you'd like to see included in a travel pack. We're already working on many new packs and tools to help you address everyday health issues…

Please register your Contact Information with us and we'll keep you updated on new an emerging problems, solutions and we'll let you know when our new products become available.

Wishing You Good Health and Safe Travels!

Joe, Chief Operating Germaphobe

Star Date: 10/04/2019
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